Since the beginning of the Republic of North Macedonia, there have been marginalized groups. The LGBTI community, Roma, and women living in North Macedonia have faced various human rights violations for years, including a lack of representation or resources. While the government has attempted to address some of these violations and inequalities through policy, much remains to be addressed. The government must step forward, strengthen its legislation, and provide support to these groups. Roma has historically struggled in many states, with many peoples. The Roma in North Macedonia has experienced various discriminations and rights violations, easily summed up in a pipeline from segregated education to poor health. A step forward for the LGBTI community in North Macedonia, albeit rather complicated, has been the Law on Protection and Prevention of Discrimination. This law was proposed in 2019 to replace its predecessor with a more comprehensive version. It was the first law that explicitly prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. This law passed but was quickly repealed, as it initially had not achieved the required majority to pass, amongst additional deliberation. Soon afterwards, Parliament was able to re-establish the law with the necessary majority. The lives of women in North Macedonia are not well protected despite the word of the law. Violence against women has been a prevalent issue and significant public health problem due to the negative impact it has on women’s health, causing physical and psychological damage. The government has taken action to prevent this violence and protect its victims.
Anatomizing The Situation Of North Macedonia In Reference To The Human Rights Violations And Configuring The Required Recommendations
Publication Information
Journal Title: Asia Pacific Law & Policy Review
Author(s): Parth Raman
Published On: 12/07/2022
Volume: 8
First Page: 97
Last Page: 105
ISSN: 2581-4095
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
Cite this Article
Parth Raman, Anatomizing The Situation Of North Macedonia In Reference To The Human Rights Violations And Configuring The Required Recommendations, Volume 8, Asia Pacific Law & Policy Review, 97-105, Published on 12/07/2022, Available at
Keywords: Human Rights, Republic of North Macedonia, Roma, Gender-based Violence & Recommendations
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