May 2022

Is Social Media an Easier way to Defame People? A Critical Study of Freedom of Speech in Digital India

Speech is God’s gift to mankind. Through speech a human conveys his thoughts, sentiments and feeling to others. Milton in his Aeropagitica says that without this freedom there can be no health in the moral and intellectual life of either the individual or the nation. That’s why a freedom of speech and expression is a […]

Is Social Media an Easier way to Defame People? A Critical Study of Freedom of Speech in Digital India Read More »

Competition in Asia in the Algorithmic Era: Implications on Regulators and Consumer Welfare in Malaysia and India

Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are key to success in the digital economy. The Algorithm supported by AI has transformed the decision-making process and disrupted all aspects of human life. The algorithm-generated marketing benefited Asian businesses plethora but, on the flip, has equally facilitated anti-competitive business practices and undermined their consumer welfare. The algorithms deployed

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